Specialty Items Embroidery

Looking for a particular product to embroider that you’re not seeing on our website?  We have hundreds of items available!  To view more products we have available, visit Sanmar.com.  Embroidery works best on products that are 100% heavier weight cotton.

Please submit the details about your order request and we will send you a price quote:

    What product(s) do you want a quote for? (View all available products on the Sanmar.com website and enter name(s) and item number(s) of the product(s) you're interested in below):

    Please specify your color choice(s) and size(s)and quantities per color/size:

    Please describe the location(s) on the item where you want your design(s)/image(s) to be placed:

    Images to be embroidered:
    There is a one-time $45 Digitize Fee to convert your artwork image into stitching. Once paid, we will keep your digitized image on file for future use.

    Upload images of your design, if available:

    Image 1:
    Image 2:
    Image 3:
    Image 4:

    Will your order be shipped or picked up? ShippedPickup

    We will contact you with any additional questions and pricing based on your submittal. Please allow us 24 hours to repsond. If you require faster service, please contact us directly.